Aminet 22
Aminet 22 (1997)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1997].iso
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Text File
83 lines
Short: Improved Serial Prefs v2.4
Author: Msi Software <emsai@online.no>
Uploader: Roger Hågensen <emsai@online.no>
Version: 2.4
Type: util/sys
Distribution: Freely Distributable FreeWare
SerPrefs is an improvement on the old Serial prefs util.
SerPrefs extends several settings/options of the original,
to do this effectivly a new serial.prefs format have been created.
Currently SerPrefs only support the use of a serial device name,
and Sharedmode. Other extensions will be added later.
The new serial.prefs can use prefs by old programs
like the ORIGINAL "Sys:Prefs/Serial" found on the Workbench disks,
and to convert from old to new simply load the old prefs into SerPrefs,
then save it. And that's all you need to do! :-)
Old serial.prefs software will still be able to read the new prefs,
but unable to use the extra information stored.
SerPrefs even show the version of your serial.device,
and have most of the standard prefsmenu items most prefs utils have.
Everything is in a single GUI with shortcuts, that is very easy to use.
And you can choose the serial device to use, along with unit number etc.
All normal (plus some extra) baud rates are supported,
along with a buffer range that is more than enough.
It also have separate output/input settings,
for future support or special software.
o All normal baud rates (75-921600 Baud)
o Input and Output Buffer (range 0-64 MB)
o Input and Output Xon/Xoff, RTS/CTS
o Sharedmode, selectable xxx.device and unit
o Parity Even/Odd/Mark/Space, 5-32 data bits, 0-2 stop bits
o Makes use of custom prefs/serialprefs icons if found.
o All functions of original and then some.
What's changed?
v2.4 - (4.10.1997) Minor changes!
Made the GUI look a bit nicer, and the main document is now
in AmigaGuide, plus I also updated main documentation now
when I had the chance, I even added a big TIPS/NOTE section :-)
Added INISOUT switch to tooltypes, cli and menu.
Fixed a bug with the menu "Create Icons" switch (was always on).
There is also some other minor changes, but can't remember them :-)
Improved the Msi Version module, I hope I never have to see that
damn code again, these version strings drive me crazy :-)
Unit 0 will be ignore if set in SerPrefs,
mainly due to that Unit 0 is the default unit,
in other words Unit 0 point to whatever you set in SerPrefs :-)
Freely Distributable FreeWare
© Msi Software 1997 All Rights Reserved!
Email: "Msi Software <emsai@online.no>"
WWW: "http://www.sn.no/~msi"
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
697 191 72.5% 12-Aug-97 01:14:16 SerPrefs.info
2600 1311 49.5% 04-Oct-97 12:51:04 SerPrefs.readme
2074 1011 51.2% 21-Aug-97 02:57:16 +important.txt
7727 3189 58.7% 04-Oct-97 12:51:48 +serial.h
7465 3135 58.0% 04-Oct-97 12:52:38 +serial.i
7123 3071 56.8% 04-Oct-97 12:53:06 +serial.e
718 379 47.2% 05-Jul-97 08:49:38 +serial.m
4050 1877 53.6% 21-Aug-97 02:57:24 +serialprefs.txt
1854 829 55.2% 25-Jun-97 21:25:46 +License.Txt
893 228 74.4% 09-Sep-97 14:59:18 +License.Txt.info
57112 20680 63.7% 04-Oct-97 12:20:32 +Serial
1607 438 72.7% 09-Sep-97 14:59:50 +Serial.info
16615 6581 60.3% 04-Oct-97 12:50:34 +SerPrefs.Guide
898 236 73.7% 09-Sep-97 14:59:18 +SerPrefs.Guide.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
111433 43156 61.2% 05-Oct-97 04:00:52 14 files